Oleh Affin Jaffar Umarovic
1.ADB(Asian development Bank)
2.IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and development)
3.IFC(International finance corporation)
4.IMF(International monetary fund)
5.UNDP(United nations development programme) meliputi
a.IAEA( International Atomic Energy Agency)
b.ICAO(International civil aviation Organization)
c.ITU(International telecommunication Union)
d.UNIDO(United nation industrial development Organization)
e.UPU(Universal Postal Union)
f.WMO(World meteorological Organization)
g.UNCTAD(United nations conference on trade and development)
h.UNEP(United natios environment proggrame)
i.UNCHS(United nations centre for human settlement)
j.ESCAP( Economic and social commision for asia and the pacific)
k.UNFPA(United nations funds for population activities)
l.WFP(World food proggrame)
m.IMO(international maritime organization)
n.(WIPO) World intellectual property organization)
o IFAD( international fund for agricultural development)
p WTO( World trade organization)
q(WTO( World tourism organization)
6.FAO( Food and agricultural organization)
7.ILO( International Labour organization)
8.UNHCR(United nations high commisioner for refugees_
9.UNIC( United nations information centre)
10.UNICEF(United nations children fund)
11.UNESCO(United nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization)
12.WHO(World health organization)
13.World bank