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Heads of Tax Administrations Agree on New Collaborative Initiatives to Shape the Future of Tax Administration and on Deepening their Co-operation for the Implementation of the Global Minimum Tax

IBX-Jakarta. The OECD’s Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) held its annual Plenary meeting in Singapore from 11-13 October 2023, bringing together tax commissioners and delegates from across the globe, including representatives from international organisations, regional tax administration bodies, business and academia. At the meeting, Commissioners agreed on new areas of collaboration to pave the way for transforming the future of tax administration, namely:

  1. An ambitious set of projects to help realise the vision of Tax Administration 3.0, utilising the new technology tools to increasingly build-in compliance, drive down tax gaps and significantly reduce compliance burdens;
  2. To work together to ensure the effective implementation of the global minimum tax under Pillar Two of the Two-Pillar Solution, including exploring how co-operation between tax administrations can be deepened to support compliance, collaboration and certainty in the administration of the global minimum tax rules; and
  3. To enhance the effectiveness and reach of global capacity building efforts through closer partnership with other international and regional organisations.

“We have agreed an ambitious and wide ranging agenda that will help us bring significant benefits to taxpayers. Delivering this agenda will require a strong emphasis on collaboration and partnering with international organisations, regional tax organisations, business and academia”, said Bob Hamilton, Chair of the FTA and Commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency. “I am confident though that together we can overcome the challenges ahead of us, as we have a shared desire to make the most of the opportunities this hugely important agenda brings.”


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