Berdasarkan KMK Nomor 8/KM.10/KF.4/2024
Tanggal Berlaku: 21 Februari 2024 – 27 Februari 2024

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Intercounbix Indonesia was established on the foundation of integrity, intelligence and a strong determination to provide reliable solutions to clients.
To be a respected consulting firm with an excellent services.
We see ourselves as a forward-looking group of passionate consulting professionals with the relevant experience to match.
Our clients consist of foreign and domestic companies engaged in various businesses from numerous industrial sectors0.
Our services are sought to achieve the highest expectations of clients.
Events where information is updated, a knowledge hub where insights from experts is shared with clients and public at large.
Intercounbix Indonesia was established on the foundation of integrity, intelligence and a strong determination to provide reliable solutions to clients.
To be a respected consulting firm with an excellent services.
We see ourselves as a forward-looking group of passionate consulting professionals with the relevant experience to match.
Our clients consist of foreign and domestic companies engaged in various businesses from numerous industrial sectors0.
Our services are sought to achieve the highest expectations of clients.
Events where information is updated, a knowledge hub where insights from experts is shared with clients and public at large.
We advise our clients on the scope and application of transfer pricing legislation and policies in Indonesia, and the documentation and reporting obligations in relation thereto.
We help clients compile bookkeeping in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards.
Our tax advisory is an advisory service on tax issues your company is facing over a period of time.
We assist our clients in strengthening its business with a general process of determining the economic value of the business as a whole
We advise our clients on the scope and application of transfer pricing legislation and policies in Indonesia, and the documentation and reporting obligations in relation thereto.
We help clients compile bookkeeping in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards.
Our tax advisory is an advisory service on tax issues your company is facing over a period of time.
We assist our clients in strengthening its business with a general process of determining the economic value of the business as a whole
Specialists in the field of seminar and training about transfer pricing, accounting, taxation and business.
Sharing the latest information on business and finance as well as taxation, transfer pricing and accounting.
Presenting the latest development in transfer pricing issues regarding related-party transactions.
Bring forward to the business communities any update related to the implementation of good accounting practices.
Showcase the foremost insights on taxation with a purpose to create a balanced-taxation for all.
A knowledge-based channel where creative ideas are cultivated to broaden people’s business horizon.
This is the kilo meter zero, where the streets of client’s needs met the avenue of Intercounbix’s solutions.
Sharing the latest information on business and finance as well as taxation, transfer pricing and accounting.
Presenting the latest development in transfer pricing issues regarding related-party transactions.
Bring forward to the business communities any update related to the implementation of good accounting practices.
Showcase the foremost insights on taxation with a purpose to create a balanced-taxation for all.
A knowledge-based channel where creative ideas are cultivated to broaden people’s business horizon.
This is the kilo meter zero, where the streets of client’s needs met the avenue of Intercounbix’s solutions.
Applicable rates for major currencies, banking interests and tax.
As a reference to the business communities for strengthening their competitive edge
Particular taxation arrangements in relation to cross-border transactions among countries.
Forms to be used by taxpayer to fulfill their obligations related to taxation compliance.
Applications to be used by taxpayer to fulfill their obligations related to taxation compliance.
Applicable rates for major currencies, banking interests and tax.
As a reference to the business communities for strengthening their competitive edge
Particular taxation arrangements in relation to cross-border transactions among countries.
Forms to be used by taxpayer to fulfill their obligations related to taxation compliance.
Applications to be used by taxpayer to fulfill their obligations related to taxation compliance.
Berdasarkan KMK Nomor 8/KM.10/KF.4/2024
Tanggal Berlaku: 21 Februari 2024 – 27 Februari 2024
Selengkapnya dapat didownload di: KMK Nomor 8/KM.10/KF.4/2024
IBX-Jakarta. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengungkapkan bahwa penerimaan pajak dari transaksi mata uang kripto di Indonesia mencapai Rp620,4 miliar hingga akhir tahun 2024. Sejak diberlakukannya pajak kripto pada tahun 2022, total penerimaan telah terkumpul sebesar Rp1,09 triliun dalam kurun waktu 2,5 tahun. Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Inovasi Teknologi Sektor Keuangan, Aset
IBX-Jakarta. Perkembangan sistem administrasi perpajakan di Indonesia terus mengalami transformasi, terutama dengan diluncurkannya Coretax sebagai sistem inti administrasi perpajakan pada Januari 2025. Namun, implementasi Coretax di awal tahun 2025 menuai sejumlah keluhan dari wajib pajak, terutama terkait kendala teknis dalam penerbitan faktur pajak elektronik. Banyak Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) mengeluhkan lambatnya proses,
IBX-Jakarta. Ekonom dari Bright Institute, Awalil Rizky, mengungkapkan pendapatnya mengenai anggaran belanja perpajakan yang diproyeksikan mencapai Rp445,5 triliun dalam APBN 2025. Dalam sebuah Rapat Dengar Pendapat Umum (RDPU) yang digelar oleh Komisi XI DPR pada Rabu, 12 Februari 2025, Awalil menilai bahwa jumlah tersebut terlalu besar dan meminta agar dilakukan