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Pennsylvania’s Gasoline Tax Is Set To Decrease


IBX-Jakarta. In 2024, Pennsylvania is set to lower its gasoline and diesel taxes following an increase observed in 2023, nullifying an automatic rise instigated by a law from ten years ago. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has indicated that the gasoline tax will decrease to 57.6 cents per gallon, marking a reduction of 3.5 cents, while the diesel tax will drop to 74.1 cents per gallon, a decrease of 4.4 cents. These taxes apply to wholesalers and are linked with a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon.

The revenue from the gas tax, which generates billions of dollars, primarily goes towards the upkeep and enhancement of Pennsylvania’s aging infrastructure. A considerable portion, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, is allocated to the Pennsylvania State Police. However, a decision by lawmakers and Gov. Josh Shapiro to free up $125 million in gas tax revenue for road and bridge maintenance has been made by shifting expenses for state law enforcement to the budget.

Pennsylvania has been experiencing diminishing revenue from the gas tax annually. Consequently, some legislators support a proposal to impose an annual fee of nearly $300 on electric vehicle users. This fee aims to substitute an existing alternative fuel tax for EVs, which many vehicle owners are unaware of and, as a result, do not pay.

Source: Gas tax to fall in Pennsylvania (

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