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Slovakia Publishes Draft Law on Global Minimum Tax

IBX-Jakarta. Slovakia’s Finance Ministry is seeking public input on draft tax law aimed at implementing a 15 percent global minimum corporate tax rate. The proposal would transpose the EU Directive on global minimum corporate tax into Slovakia’s domestic tax law. The EU Directive is broadly aligned with the OECD’s Pillar Two proposal, also known as GLoBE. The measure would apply to companies with annual revenues of at least EUR 750 million.

“The introduction of a minimum level of taxation will prevent the shifting of profits to countries with low or no taxation. With this arrangement, both the EU and the OECD expect that companies that are part of large multinational groups will pay a fair share of tax regardless of where they operate,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.

The global minimum tax proposal, which includes a domestic top-up tax, is intended to apply from January 2024.

Comments on the draft law must be received by August 23.



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