
Shaping a sustainable future

Transfer Pricing | Accounting | Tax | Business Advisory


Why Clients Choose Us

Why choose us

Team Capabilities

Our team members are comprise of:

  • Former employee of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT).
  • Experienced in the world of taxation for more than 25 years and serves as a tax auditor at the Tax Office (KPP) of Large, Special and Middle Taxpayers who have conducted large and medium-scale taxpayer audit from both foreign and domestic companies.
  • In the last 10 years, the focus has been on taxpayer audit for transfer pricing cases and become a transfer pricing trainer both inside and outside the DGT.
  • Have a legal license in the tax court.
  • Become a Main Member of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants.

With these experiences, we are very qualified in knowing the ins and outs of taxation and accounting, especially transfer pricing and other taxation cases in order to find only the best solution for clients in accordance with all applicable tax regulations.

Course, Training & Mentoring

We assists our clients just like our colleagues. We provide mentoring, training, as well as tailor-made courses. Intercounbix’s trainers 90% come from former DGT, active DGT employees, professional consultants and practitioners as well as Tax Lawyers and Attorneys. With the composition of the trainers, the participants’ understanding will be more extensive and conclusive both in terms of theory but also practice in the work field.

Cooperation With Third Parties

We work closely with TP Catalyst from Bureau Van Dijk – A Moody’s Analytics Company which has a database of company profiles and financial reports from companies located in the Asia Pacific region, which provides the data needed in the preparation of the TP Documentation.

Transfer Pricing Documentation

In preparing the Transfer Pricing Documentation we use the Ex-Ante approach as required by rules and regulations in Indonesia. The use of the Arm’s Length Principle (ALP) as mandated by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the norm in examining related-party transactions. 

Efficiency For Maximum Results

Our services are sought to achieve maximum results in accordance with the high expectations of clients at affordable costs. We truly believe that efficiency is one of the key measure in achieving  the ultimate goal of helping  clients to improve their business and financial performances.

Solid Team

We believe in our solid team and hear client concerns in every detail. We only strive for the best results that far exceed the client expectations.